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Best Practices

Once your MetroQuest Survey is ready to release to the public, you’ll want to strategize and promote your project.

Be sure to prepare:

  • Project Website
  • Outreach Plans

Project Website

Always send your visitors to the Project Website, not MetroQuest directly!

On your Project Website, create a visible call to action. Using existing email lists, including that of key stakeholders, is still the most effective way to reach interested potential participants. More and more, social media and advertising on Facebook and Instagram have become important and cost-effective ways of reaching an audience.

Once your MetroQuest Survey has launched, check your participation numbers to see how effective different outreach campaigns are and to create calls to action based on preliminary data – for example, if a specific scenario seems to be the most popular, tweet about that and ask if followers agree. And finally, be sure to celebrate your successes!

The Importance of a Project Website:

  • Your project webpage will be available longer than the MetroQuest Survey’s engagement period. This way, you can communicate updates long after the survey closes, providing a potential for follow up and searchability.
  • It allows you to build a brand around your project rather than around MetroQuest. While we are a tool you use for public engagement, the tool's name isn’t relevant to participants.
  • A Project Website allows you to provide background information about the project before visitors are asked for input.
  • Participants are more familiar with your organization name and will be more open to visiting your project site than one with a brand name they don’t recognize.

Outreach Plans

Once your MetroQuest Survey is ready to release to the public, you’ll want to have your own outreach plan in place. Be sure to use any email lists you have, social media platforms, and partners, and see if there’s any way to get involved with your local news media. Some ways to make sure additional communities are engaged are: