Funding Balance Screen Items

Edit Items on the Funding Balance Screen



  1. Click on the Funding you want to edit.
  2. Click within the textbox to edit.
  3. Indicate the number of slider notches for the selected Funding. The suggested values for each slider are a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10.
  4. This is where you can enter the value-added of each Funding. For example, if the value is “10” then each notch on the slider will be worth 10.
  5. Add more information about each item in the pop-up content.
  6. Indicate the unit for the total budget that you have allocated. You can use units such as percent, millions, and billions.
  7. Click the thumbnail to open the Edit Image panel. Refer to our support articles to learn more about the Edit Images feature.
  8. Change the color for each slider. Color codes need to be in HEX codes.

Organize Items on the Funding Balance Screen


1. Rearrange the items by hovering your cursor on top of the up and down arrows. Click and drag the items to its new location and release.

AddAdd a new Slide. You can have up to 5 Slides.

DuplicateDuplicate a Slide and its contents.

SubtractRemove a Slide. Once deleted, this action cannot be undone.