Map Marker Screen Items


Edit Markers on the Map Marker Screen



1. Click on the Marker you want to edit.
2. Click within the textbox to edit.
3. Click on the "View Icons" to choose your preferred icon from the marker icon library.
4. Set a limit of how many markers a participant can drop on the Map Marker Screen.
 How to edit questions for each marker:


1. Expand the Marker you want to edit.
2. Select the question you want to edit.
3. Edit your question.
4. Select the Question Type. Please see different Question Types below.

Question Types:


Dropdown: Participants can choose one option.  

  • Options: Click to Edit, Reorder, Remove and Add options.
  • List prompt: Click to edit the prompt. The default select prompt is set to “Select…”.


Textbox: Participants are asked to enter a short text response. Suitable for answers such as a zip code and email address.

  • Type prompt: Click to edit the prompt. The default select prompt is set to “Type…”.

Organize Markers on the Map Marker Screen



1. Rearrange the Markers by hovering your cursor on top of the up and down arrows. Click and drag the Markers to its new location and release.

AddAdd a new Marker.

DuplicateDuplicate a Marker and its contents.

SubtractRemove a Marker. Once deleted, this action cannot be undone.


Edit Locations on the Map Marker Screen



1. Click on the Location you want to edit.
2. Edit the Location name in the textbox
3. Input the Latitude
4. Input the Longitude
5. Select the type of zoom for your location

As you complete filling out the values (Latitude and Longitude) and setting the zoom level, a green checkmark displays indicating the location is saved. Please do not click on the "Save" button below. If you choose to Save current position please ignore steps 1 to 5.

Organize Locations on the Map Marker Screen



1. Rearrange the Locations by hovering your cursor on top of the up and down arrows. Click and drag the Locations to its new location and release.

AddAdd a new Slide. You can have up to 8 Slides.

DuplicateDuplicate a Slide and its contents.

SubtractRemove a Slide. Once deleted, this action cannot be undone.