1. MetroQuest Support
  2. Frequently Asked Questions

MetroQuest and Accessibility

MetroQuest provides Surveys in various formats, each designed to enable the most significant level of public participation and input.

We offer Web, Mobile, and PDF/Print forms. For those with accessibility needs, MetroQuest suggests a process that includes:

  • Fillable PDF versions of your Survey that are screen reader-friendly
  • Paper-based versions of the Survey
  • Dial-in support for participants requiring assistance

Fillable PDF

Once your survey is in the Pre-Launch phase with finalized content, please send an email to support@metroquest.com to generate the fillable PDF and send it to you.

Fillable PDF versions of the screen reader-friendly survey are a great way to collect input from those with accessibility needs. 

Descriptive PDF versions of the survey have additional descriptive text for those needing it.

Important information:

The fillable PDF will directly export text and image content from your MetroQuest Survey. Some standard and customizable instructions explaining the interactive activities of the Screens may need to be modified to make more sense in a PDF format. For example:

  • Priority Ranking Screen: Please drag 5 of the items above the line in your preferred order.
  • Map Marker Screen: Please drag markers on the map to give your input.
  • Funding Balance Screen: Please use the sliders to fill the bar and meet the target.
  • Budget Allocation Screen: Please drag coins to indicate where you would allocate resources.
  • Wrap Up Screen: Thank you for your input so far! It has been recorded.

You can distribute fillable PDFs to your potential participants to get their valuable input. We recommend including the fillable PDF on your Project for anyone to download and fill out.

Once completed, they can send it back to you to manually enter the information into your MetroQuest Survey for your data to show up together in the Data Center.


The PDF Survey can be printed off to gather input from those who do not have access to or wish to use a computer.

Dial-in Support

Sometimes participants need guidance or facilitation when answering Survey questions.

This approach is beneficial for specific Survey tasks that require spatial manipulation and the placement of markers on maps and/or images. For this reason, MetroQuest Surveys can incorporate your published telephone numbers and/or e-mail addresses for participants to request assistance. A leading practice in providing dial-in support ensures that those responding to the calls are familiar with the project.


Please note that the data collected through these methods will have to be entered into your MetroQuest Survey manually for your data to show up together in the Data Center.

MetroQuest will create a PDF and Word Document of your Survey. You can make any necessary edits to fit your organization's branding.

Please get in touch with support@metroquest.com to request a PDF/Print version of your MetroQuest Survey.