Edit Items on the Project Selection Screen
- Click on the Project you want to edit.
- Click anywhere within the textbox.
- Change the marker color
- Here is a list of available colors (with their respective HEX Codes) on the Project Selection Screen:
- Orange (#e39400)
- Blue (#496ab8)
- Brown (#bd3d2a)
- Chocolate (#bd6b3c)
- Dark Grey (#707070)
- Gold (#bfa12a)
- Green (#27b030)
- Light Blue (#2f88b5)
- Light Grey (#bdbdbd)
- Lime (#79c72c)
- Pink (#fca47e)
- Purple (#ae27b8)
- Red (#fc0000)
- Turquoise (#31b0a3)
- Yellow (#e9ea5e)
- Here is a list of available colors (with their respective HEX Codes) on the Project Selection Screen:
- This is where you can add the latitude of the specific project marker.
- This is where you can add the longitude of the specific project marker.
- Click the description textbox. The Edit Text panel opens. You can edit the text content here.
- Click the thumbnail to open the Edit Image panel. Refer to our support articles to learn more about the Edit Images feature.
Organize Items on the Project Selection Screen
1. Rearrange the Projects by hovering your cursor on top of the up and down arrows. Click and drag the Projects to its new location and release.
Add a new Project
Duplicate a Project and its contents.
Remove a Project. Once deleted, this action cannot be undone.
Image View on the Project Selection Screen
On Image View, you can view all screen items simultaneously, allowing you to prepare your titles and images for this Screen. To edit further item details, switch to the Edit Items panel.
1. Click on the Image Title to open the "Edit Text" panel.
2. Click on the image you want to edit to open the "Edit Images" panel. You can replace, resize, crop, and upload the image.