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Saving Locations

MetroQuest uses Google Maps Overlays, which are objects on the map tied to latitude and longitude coordinates. They move when you drag or zoom the map.

The following MetroQuest Screens use Google Map overlays:

Map Marker Screen

Map Marker Screen: Participants can drop several markers onto the map and answer optional questions through dropdowns and comment boxes. You can add a dropdown menu with up to 99 locations that you can zoom into.

There are two ways to save locations:

  • Save the main map in the Screen Settings


  1. Insert values for Latitude. This is the latitude of the mid-point of the map.
  2. Insert values for Longitude. This is the longitude of the mid-point of the map.
  3. Select your preferred Zoom level. Use different zoom levels to explain the specific area.
  4. If you choose to Save current position please ignore steps 1 to 3.
  • On the map, navigate to the location you want to save.
  • Click on the button to use the map's current location. The Latitude, Longitude, and Zoom values will be automatically populated with the current map position.

As you complete filling out the values (Latitude and Longitude) and setting the zoom level, a green checkmark displays indicating the location is saved. Please do not click on the "Save" button below.

  •  Save the Location dropdown in the Manage Items


  1. On the map, navigate to the location you want to save.
  2. Click on the button to use the map's current location. The Latitude, Longitude, and Zoom values will be automatically populated with the current map position.

Project Selection Screen

Project Selection Screen: Participants see Google Maps with up to 99 projects displayed as markers. When a marker is selected, participants can answer yes or no questions for each.

There are two ways to save locations:


  1. Insert values for Latitude. This is the latitude of the mid-point of the map.
  2. Insert values for Longitude. This is the longitude of the mid-point of the map.
  3. Select your preferred Zoom level. Use different zoom levels to explain the specific area.
  4. If you choose to Save current position please ignore steps 1 to 3.
  • On the map, navigate to the location you want to save.
  • Click on the button to use the map's current location. The Latitude, Longitude, and Zoom values will be automatically populated with the current map position.

As you complete filling out the values (Latitude and Longitude) and setting the zoom level, a green checkmark displays indicating the location is saved. Please do not click on the "Save" button below.