Strategy Rating Screen Settings


Strategy Rating Screen

1. Allow image zoom: Allow participants to enlarge the image to see more details.

2. Show description: Turn "on" (click to turn switch to green) to include descriptions for strategies.

3. Connect to priorities: Toggle on to connect the Strategy Rating Screen to the Priority Ranking Screen. Your participants can provide further input only on the items they previously identified as relevant to them.

4. Include detail popup: Click on the button to open the popup panel. Double click on the text to edit description.

5. Input style:

Stars: Select to allow participants to rate between 1-5 stars.


Thumbs: Select to allow participants to give thumbs up/down.


6. Include header images: Include an image for each strategy to make your Survey look visually appealing. The Screen’s default setting is to include images but if you prefer not to have images, you can turn it “off”. 

7. Allow comments: Turn “on” (click to turn the switch to green) to encourage participants to comment on the selected strategy.