When to Use It
The Tradeoffs Screen allows visitors to weigh options against each other. It educates visitors on the fact that choices have trade-offs and asks them to position themselves on the respective spectrum where there are pros and cons to each end.
- Trade-offs are presented in pairs and visitors simply indicate their preferences on a sliding scale.
- Visitors can also add optional comments.
- This is an effective Screen to ask visitors to consider the fact that choosing some options may mean having less emphasis on others. If visitors should choose from more than two options at a time, consider using the Visual Preference Screen.

How to Build It
This Screen can contain between 2 to 8 tradeoffs, including 1 image per tradeoff.
Content you'll need to prepare:
- Up to 8 tradeoffs, with a label
- A paragraph and image for both sides of each tradeoff
- Credits for the images, if needed
Decisions you'll need to make:
- How many tradeoffs to display
- Whether detailed images can be opened full-screen
- Whether images have linkable credits
- Whether comments are allowed or not

Keys To Success
- When possible, highlight why a choice is truly a tradeoff by including the benefit and drawback of each option.
- If the plan or project is complex, identify a few key trade-offs that will affect the entire project.
- Use images effectively by choosing graphics that represent the ends of the spectrum or the overall category to further illustrate the point.